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Depend On God To All Of Your Hustles

In athletics there is something called a finishing line, when you get there you can get to failure or to to win.

There are people who end the year with the same thoughts thinking they have failed.

It is not over yet, 2Ti 4: 6-8

For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; not me only, but also all the people who loved his revelation.

Paul who wrote this epistle was a Pharisee, but he also persecuted the Church. Galatians 1:13

For you have heard of my way of living in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church God forbid, I destroyed it. He could not because Jesus defended the Church.

On the way, he met Jesus Christ, the Lord of lords. "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? by persecuting the Church "Eclsia" the excommunicated people. What is this text about, with the same Enthusiasm he enters with it in the Gospels, if you read all of 2 Timothy 1 you see him saying people they all left me, why ?.

"God bless you so much for continuing to be a faithful partner as you worship / grow spiritually".

Now remember if Paul was saved as a Christian about 30 years old, His finishing line was 33 years old. We can look at Paul and learn something, "Christianity is war".

In 78 when we were in the Kagera war I was in the War but I did not stay in the front line and after the War my friend the former front line returned and was promoted. I asked him how was all the fear you had?


In the United States there was one Rev. who preached three Sundays in a row and One associate went with him

Ask him why you are preaching War, he told him and I do not want war.

The kings fought to protect their territories, Jesus saved us from the kingdom of Darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of son of his love.

No kingdom wants to fail. Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. courtship is extra, don't let the devil give you something small and rob you of a big one.

Elsewhere Paul says I fought the demons face to face.

Satan is not happy for you to be saved, we are at war. The Lord wants us to be good too in the economy, to be blessed in all things.

Paul thinks of a reward medal at the end of His finishing line.

John Akware was an athlete who competed in Tanzania for many years. He ran and fell but after being treated he said I was still going on "even though the competition was over" he was happier than the one beginning.

Because of his perseverance he persevered even though he was in pain until he finished the race, and later the writers they ask him, why did you fall and after treatment you continued with the competition instead of quitting it ?.

His response was "My country did not send me 500 miles to participate but to finish the race."

Assuming there are five million and here in the middle there are challenges, will you avoid them?

God did not tell the children of Israel that there was a challenge but forcorcas in the promised land.

Look at the Lord's promise, don't look at challenges at work, in marriage, family or business, etc.

It hasn't come to an end yet, when Paul was telling Timothy I had finished the journey ..., he was watching 33 years and see he has reached the finishing line and as he advises him, but Timothy you fight the War good even if you are left, no matter how many years you live keep fighting the good war.

Don't waste places, keep protecting what you own. The Christian life is a war it is a struggle, let's not let it end in the wilderness ... Until you say Like Paul ... I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.

Jesus finished well and is the model of the Church, finish well with you.

My God bless you more and more

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