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These are stages of construction in engineering

Every construction work has the following distinct stages:

(i) Briefing stage

(ii) Designing stage

(iii) Tendering stage

(iv) Construction stage

(v) Commissioning stage.

 Briefing stage

Also called the `Report Stage', it is the stage where ideas originated by individuals’ are studied with regard to cost and benefits so as to establish the economic viability or social utility of a project.


The purpose of this stage is to enable the client (owner) to specify project functions and permissible costs so that architects, engineers and other members of the construction team can correctly interpret the owner's wishes and provide a likely estimate of costs.

It also leads to an objective decision on the scope and feasibility of the project.


A civil engineering project should begin with a thorough investigation of its scope and economic feasibility. This is the preliminary stage and many factors at this stage are not clearly defined but are broadly stated.

Various activities involved in the briefing stage are:

a) To appoint a project steering committee, if necessary.

b) To appoint a project manager who will have a continuing responsibility to the client throughout the construction process.

c) To carry out extensive investigations which include both technical and non-technical investigations so that alternative proposals may be given due consideration.

Non-technical investigations include economic and social factors which may define the basic requirements or scope of the project. These also include market surveys for resource identification.

Technical investigations include land and geological surveys including site investigations such as soil samples and ground water levels from bore-holes.

d) To study various alternatives and identify the most feasible one. This is done so that a careful study of various alternatives at the briefing stage makes substantial cost savings easier while fulfilling the objectives of the project.

e) To prepare the project report this is the outcome of the first stage (i.e. briefing stage). The project report describes the investigations carried out, possible solutions and their evaluation.

Designing or Planning Stage

It is a very important stage in the field of construction because any modification in the project after this stage would prove expensive. A realistic and detailed cost estimate of the project can be prepared during the design stage.


The purpose of this stage is to complete the project summary and determine the method of construction and estimate costs so as to obtain necessary approvals from the client(s).

Its purpose also includes the preparation of working drawings, specifications and all arrangements for inviting tenders.

Activities at this stage are:

a) To develop the project summary for final adoption of the most suitable alternative.

b) To carry out technical investigations such as soil investigation, topographic investigation, material supply and market surveys etc.

c) To prepare detailed design', working drawings, specifications, bill of quantities, final cost estimate and preliminary construction programme including time schedule.

d) ) To obtain the owner's final approval of the project summary.

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