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Pray Not To Be A Door For Problems Or Trials For Our Families / Offices / Communities

Pray Not To Be A Door For Problems Or Trials For Our Families / Offices / Communities

God's Word tells us that it was a time for all kings and men to be at war

King David did not go to war.

The Bible tells us;

“And it came about at the time of evening that David proceeded to rise from his bed and walk about on the rooftop of the king's house; and when he was up of the ceiling he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.

2 Sam 11: 2

With this word we see that this woman absolutely believed all men had gone to war and so it was not torment him from bathing outside; Yes, it was the king's door to arouse the spirit of adultery and fornication which was in it.

- Here we learn even if No one sees us then do not do anything to keep your personality publicly.

- Second we learn that we need to know the time of existence somewhere for a specific time as King David he should not be at home but at war.

Today ask yourself if the office where you are is the right place? What church do you belong to? The existing street is God does he want you to be there

Our lesson teaches us and takes us to a place;

1) The negligence of not being at war is always very close to the spirit of lust.

2) Not being in the right place evokes feelings and sins that you would have avoided by being in the right place as adultery. Are these sections really possible with YouTube, whatup, Instagram, Facebook, ticktock, and others?

There you will meet the people of that hurricane and welcome punishment.

“So David sent messengers, and took her; and he went in unto her; and he slept with her; (meaning the woman she has been cleansed from her uncleanness); then he returned to his house. ”

2 Sam 11: 4

Now we see: if you open the door to one sin it is very easy to do another; That is, in simple language just as easy from kariakoo and into Kitumbini and from kitumbini to the Kisutu market again without even riding an uber or a bajaji or a bodabonda is the easiest way to start with a sin of one kind to do another is very simple.

That is, you do not spend much time from Dar to Morogoro again for standard gauge it will be one hour Yes in the case of a connection of sin, if you start with only one then the other becomes almost self-serving;

Welcome to see

1) King David began with the sin of habit and thus remained at home. Brother very bad habits you may find yourself in a place where I am not

2) King David coveted a man's wife by staying at home so he committed adultery

3) The king made the woman's husband drink alcohol and thus the sin of drunkenness was introduced.

“David invited him, and he ate and drank before him; and he made him drunk; even in the evening he went out to go and he did lie down in his bed with the servants of his lord, but he did not go down to his house. ”

2 Sam 11:13

4) After alcohol the sin of murder entered him with the thought of taking the woman's husband forward to involving his fellow generals and actually succeeded in killing.

"And he wrote in the letter, saying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die. let him die the death. "

2 Sam 11:15

In offices this is often referred to as feeding CASA - that is, non-catholic.

So what does the word want us to do?

Col 3: 5

Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth: sexual immorality, uncleanness, depraved passion, evil desire, and covetousness, it is idolatry

Brother, try to kill your limbs. That is, even if you see anything, do not covet it because it is the door to destruction.

Brethren, let's pray

1. Pray to be in the right place at the right time

2. Pray that you will not be a source of pain to others. An example is stealing money until a family goes bankrupt or a company is closed.

3. Asking for stamina in our spirits to overcome sin because it will only pass away.

4. Learning to accept counsel because Daud seems to have his people as if they were tired of his behavior and that is why he wanted even if it was evil they gave him

5. Have friends who tell you the truth even if it is against your will.

6. Pray for the Spirit of Compassion for Others because David would have felt sorry for Uriah if he had not taken his wife and take him forward to the battle to die.

“Birds flying over your head are not a problem but the problem is to start building and nest in your hair.

God bless you

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