1.MLM: This is one of the businesses that most European students are making the most money from right now, it has reached Tanzania and Kenya: In Nigeria many young millionaires have appeared in this network. In Kenya as well as in SA many young people are involved in this business
HOW TO START: In short this business is required to become a member of a company that distributes products in MLM style, then buy products at low prices and use them or sell them at retail. And then invite many other people to join the MLM company, each member you invite will be paid a certain amount of money for their product purchase. The starting capital in these companies is ZERO had 10 Million. CATCH OPPORTUNITIES
WHY STUDENTS / STUDENTS? It doesn't require a lot of capital incase you don't have it, it doesn't require a lot of time, you don't need a license or you don't need a shopkeeper. There is a high probability that you will be doing business with the whole world in one second if you follow the techniques you will be taught. The companies involved in these businesses are focused on health products, beauty, agriculture and now airtime.
INCOME POSSIBILITY: ZERO TO BILLIONEA within 30 days to five years. You will be able to see if you are a student entering the MLM business in the first year and using your boom well when you graduate college you will be making the same amount of money as someone who is employed or more than you are.
SECRET BEHIND SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE: Rotate capital often, inviting as many people as possible. As a student or student this is a simple matter you have so many friends who have studied and studied with them.
For more instructions visit the facebook page STUDENT WITH A MISSION
2. MOBILE MONEY: MONEY, EAZY MONEY, TIGO MONEY AND AIRTEL MONEY, This is very popular but to make good money you have to have a good float at your college from 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 a day. And if you are near a bank or super dealer that will be clean. The benefits are huge for example the capital of 300,000 the street part only gives you 45,000 to 120,000 per month.
What will God give you? A sack of lice. This business is very easy for the student because you walk with your shop, the vendor you customers have every hour in the classroom, lecture room, discussion, disco and houses of worship. CATCH OPPORTUNITIES
3. AIRTIME TIME: CATCH THIS OPPORTUNITY, not the old one that you are selling to scratch vouchers here is the airtime. Once you have mobile money then you join RIFARO Africa you will make money if you are in ZANTEL, TIGO and AIRTEL. The bottom line is that the first project above MLM connects you with this 3. You must hit across. You only need a little bit of SH150,000.
4. BOOKING or DOCUMENTARY: These young IT kids and those phone and computer enthusiasts, the ones you love to talk about and now gossip and joke and put the book in different styles. Write life stories, have you heard either yourself or imaginary ones, put them on your laptop or flash disk and sell them to publishers.
It can be a short story or a series to make the project interesting. Learn how easy it is to create interesting documentaries and then post facebook and social media. Business people will be looking for you to create their various commercials to use on facebook and whatsapp.
5. GARDEN CARE you young SUA you are about to go to the city find people who need to be taken care of their home gardens especially UKOKO, create youth teams to manage regularly. This business now pays ivi town. You your job is just planning aka Manager. The cleanest water fertilizer that you can put in your pocket is now available in Tanzania, one liter is enough for 2 acres and a bushel
6. BETTING MET: Young people here I have nothing to add but most of you are throwing across weeend if you do not have a good mind, there are two betting websites in Tanzania that are above (1) MERIDIAN (2) MBET and one is not online (3) PREMIER BETTING If you want to reduce the risk of losing online play betting even though premier betting is also a young pipe you know. WARNING betting is addictive and you could lose your boom if you are not careful, be responsible.
7. BROKER: Choose one of your real estate brokers, especially the ones you know best, like cars, computers, phones, plots, that is, the things people are looking for and they have a high price. Use blogs, face books, community forums and small ads in magazines to sell. Here you can earn enough money for the academic year
8. MC: I say if you are a sculptor and a scoundrel stop hurting your neck and head for your scandal, make money into a little MC you need work clothes, modern mike and music system. Start with small parties like birthday parties, small gatherings, send offs and you will eventually find yourself at a wedding, big gospel meetings and international meetings
9. NM Web Marketing, this is similar to brokerage but here you only sell your items online, that is, all your ads are online, all your customers are online. You play with phones and laptops, or tablets or those university computers. Walk with mooderm when it comes time to sell you join the modern you have hit work le say 1 hour a day is enough, the troublemakers will look for you. If you do not have a product to sell, find me and I will tell you how many products to sell online.
10. BLOGGER: Now you can blog for your own pleasure or blog selling products if you have chosen one of these projects here 1,4,5,7,8,9,11,14,15 then sell day and night you have no budin to have blog to promote your products worldwide 24/7. Then you will have come a long way. Those of you who are ready don't hesitate to contact me for yah ii blogging but there are blogs that are free.
11. READ THE PROOF: Those penguin experts even this my 2 pages I needed someone to criticize them so that they read well and then pay for it. Now if you search online you will not find one. WHERE ARE YOU? Open and advertise for free where small online zoom ads are free. The capital here is only 20 thousand to buy the TUKI dictionary and that of the oxford pocket size
12. WRITING PROJECTS, BUSINESS PLANS AND RESEARCH. Start with small projects like your own business check online how they plan projects and what! Can you defend your project if you are given money? Find a variety of surveys and join them even for free so that you get the ultimate experience you will find yourself.
13. ELECTRICAL LEARNER: IT students come back to you, SIM Make PRODUCTS Or your students, TV and music system who does it? Why not make your own?
14. PRODUCT DESIGN PRODUCTS: Here are examples of bath soaps that prevent mosquitoes from biting you, a device that detects liars in court. Create a product, iamagine, imagine, dream, dream, dream. Create a product that sells to the rich
15. TUTORIAL: Here I have nothing to add, but also try THROUGH PHONE via whatsapp. Payment will be made by mobile money.
I'm sure in some of these you have found, if you haven't read it again the other day, repeat it over and over.
Reviewed by TanzaniaYetu
November 11, 2019
Rating: 5

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