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Waste water contamination is ever increasing problem which the whole world is now facing.


Waste water contamination is ever increasing problem which the whole world is now facing. Waste water comprises liquid waste discharged by domestic, industrial waste, agricultural activity and commercial properties. Industrial waste constitutes the major source of metal pollution in natural water. Toxic heavy metals (Zn) is major pollutant of waste water which is very hazardous.


1.physical properties

I. Bluish white in colour

II. It is a good conductor of electricity

III. Thermal conductivity

IV. Its boiling point is 1665-degree Fahrenheit

V. Its melting point is 787.15 degree of Fahrenheit

2.chemical properties of zinc

I. Toxicity

II. Reactivity

III. Types of chemical bond

IV. Coordination number

V. Oxidation state

VI. Flammability

VII. Heat of combustion


The resin which was used to remove zinc in stock solution is natural strong cationic acid (papaya seeds)


The objective of the analysis is to remove of zinc in water


A various methods are used for the removal of this heavy metal like chemical oxidation and reductions, Electrodialysis, Electro precipitation, extraction of liquid, microfiltration etc. which are costly as well as not completely remove the metal. Iron exchange is potentially an attractive technology for treatment of waste water for retaining heavy metal form dilute solution. Biosorption has been suggested as cheaper, more effective and minimization of chemical and biological sludge . There are many natural absorbents are present in our environment which have the capacity to remove heavy metal from waste water . In this study papaya seeds are used as low cost adsorbent to absorb zinc from water. 

The main characteristic of papaya seed that is useful in metal removal is due to its chemical composition. Papaya seed is made up of cellulose and lignin as major constituents and may also contain other polar functional groups of lignin, which include alcohol, ketone, aldehydes, phenol, carboxylic, and ether groups. These groups have ability to some extent to bind heavy metal ions by donation of an electron pair from these groups to form complexes with the metal ions in solution.Due to the high production and consumption of papaya fruits, massive amounts of seeds are readily available to be used as biosorbents instead of being disposed and causing environmental problems.


Ø Beaker

Ø Test tube

Ø Oven

Ø Analytical balance

Ø Conical flask

Ø Spatula

Ø Turbidity meter

Ø Mortal and paste


A water sample was taken from block D hostel in Water institutes then analyzed in the laboratory for preparation of stock solution.


Ø Papaya Seeds Powder

The Papaya seeds were collected from a local market and washed several times to remove impurities and other dirt material.

Papaya seeds were washed with distilled water to get rid of transparent gelatinous material.

The washed materials were dried in oven at 60°C for 48 hr in order to ensure the removal of moisture content from the seeds.

The dried Papaya seeds was then crushed into fine particles and then finally sieved to fine powder of less than 0.425mm particle size.

The powdered form of Papaya seeds was stored in a container in a cool dry place for further use. No other physical or chemical treatments were employed prior to sorption experiments.

Ø Measure about 25 ml of water sample into conical flask

Ø A sample water should be at a pH 5. For adjusting pH throughout the experiment, 1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) and/or 1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were used as necessary.

Ø Take the powder form of papaya seeds into a water sample contain zinc metal and measure about 2.5 g of powder into a given volume of water sample.

Ø Mix well the solution contains papaya seeds and water sample to allow ion exchange take place for almost 30 min.

Ø Retain the resin in the mixture of water sample and papaya seeds by using filtration method.

Ø Measure amount of Zinc in water sample by comparing the initial and final concentration.

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