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How a site plan and layout is prepared, requirements and steps on preparation


 Awesome Tanzania is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for its employees, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment extends to ensuring that the company's operations do not place members of the public at risk of injury, illness or property damage.
In fulfilling this commitment, management will:

a)       Provide a safe and healthy workplace and systems of work for employees, contractors and visitors.

b)       Provide information, instruction, education, training and supervision to employees, contractors, customers and visitors to ensure their safety.

c)       Provide safe equipment, property and materials.

d)       Strive to eliminate or effectively control all hazards.

e)       Establish and insist upon, safe methods and safe practices at all times.

f)        Enable employees to participate in health and safety matters.

g)       Ensure prompt and accurate reporting of all incidents.

h)       Investigate incidents thoroughly and strive to implement appropriate remedies.

i)        Support employees in their rehabilitation and early return to work following injury.

j)        Continually improve the health and safety of our operations.



The major Risks and Hazards on our Construction Sites include the following

  1. a)      Noise
  2. b)      Harmful materials
  3. c)      Moving objects and vehicles
  4. d)      Electricity
  5. e)      Working at height. Unstable working surfaces, and particularly those off the ground
  6. f)       Collapse structures
  7. g)      Manual handling
  8. h)      Slips trips and falls.




1. Wear your PPE at all times

When you enter the site, make sure you have the PPE you need. PPE is important, it's your last line of defence should you come into contact with a hazard on site. This helps make sure you are seen. Safety boots give you grip and protect your feet. Hard hats are easily replaced, but your skull isn't.

2. Do not start work without an induction

Each site has its unique hazards and work operations. No two sites are exactly the same. Make sure you know what is happening so that you can work safely. Inductions are a legal requirement on every construction site you work on.

3. Keep a tidy site

Remember to keep your work area tidy throughout your shift to reduce the number of slip and trip hazards. Pay particular attention to areas such as access and escape routes.

4. Do not put yourself or others at risk

Actions speak louder than words. Especially on construction sites where one wrong move could put you in harm's way. Set a good example, think safe and act safely on site.

You are responsible for your own behaviour. Construction sites are dangerous places to work. Make sure you remain safety aware throughout your shift.

5. Follow safety signs and procedures

Control measures are put in place for your safety. Make sure they are in place and working before you start.

6. Never work in unsafe areas

Don’t work at height without suitable guard rails or other fall prevention. Don’t enter unsupported trenches. Make sure you have safe access. Don’t work below crane loads or other dangerous operations.

7. Report defects and near misses

If you notice a problem, don’t ignore it, report it to your supervisor immediately. Fill out a near-miss report, an incident report, or simply tell your supervisor. Whatever the procedure in place on your site for reporting issues, use it.

Action can only be taken quickly if the management has been made aware of the problem. The sooner problems are resolved the less chance for an accident to occur.

8. Never tamper with equipment

If somethings not working, or doesn't look right, and report it. Don't try and force something, or alter something, if you're trained to or supposed to.

Never remove guard rails or scaffold ties. Do not remove machine guards. Do not attempt to fix defective equipment unless you are competent to do so. Do not ever tamper with equipment without authorisation.


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