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12 Things That Can Help You Increase Your Power To Pray (PART TWO)


This is the most important aspect of all. As you pray, put your faith in Jesus.

Many put faith in prayer, in receiving, in fasting, or in being answered. When you install faith in prayer and then God will not answer, you will begin to question your prayers. And if you are in a group of prayer you will begin to wonder about that prayer group and others may move the group. Meaning they give the prayer faith in one group and transfer it to another group. This is to have “faith in prayer ”and not“ praying in faith. ” But if you put your faith in Jesus and do not answer prayers

You will ask Jesus where the problem is and He will answer you by giving you His Word. “For this reason I tell you, no matter what

What you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be yours ”(Mark 11:24). You can use The verse asks God why you did not receive what you asked for when He promised to receive it.


If you read Ephesians 3:20 you will see something wonderful there. God He says, "Blessed is He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." and according to the power that works in us. ” Here God tells us He answers more than we ask but he also speaks according to the power at work in us. So one of the ways to add an answer is to add the power of God in you. The power spoken of is the anointing of the Holy Spirit as it is the only power that it works in us. That's why if you want to add strength to your prayers you can't avoid knowing various forms of the anointing of the Holy Spirit to help you.



When you go before God to pray, what do you expect? You must have some expectations in your application. If you do not depend on God, why do you pray? There are things we need rely on them when we pray but there are things we should not rely on. High reliance on

The prayer is that “and whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments, and do them. which is pleasing in his sight ”(1 John 3:22). So we must first keep God's commandments. Also in

Pray to rely on knowledge and the spirit of understanding (Colossians 1: 9). There are so many more that you can rely on the application. But there are also some things you should not expect.

First don’t just rely on everything to be easy. Pray in faith but do not expect everything to go away as easily as you want. “Therefore we would have come to you, even I Paul, once and again second, Satan hindered us ”(1 Thessalonians 2:18). Daniel's request was denied for 21 days (Daniel 10:13). There are the period the devil can block so you must know that there are times when you pray you are going to fight. Have it

The belief in winning but not going to rely on everything is easy. With a certain level of application you have to bypass the devil's radar. One way is to speak in tongues (1 Corinthians 14: 2).

Second do not rely on a miracle. Many people like to pray based on a miracle. Scripture does not say we will live by a miracle but by the word (Matthew 4: 4). I don’t mean that prayer can’t bring you a miracle but don’t you go before God to pray with miraculous expectations. Miracles exist but remember every miracle you have its cause and its existence. The cause and time of the existence of a miracle away from the miracle they leave (1 Kings 17:14). God Himself knows when you need a miracle. So your expectations not in a miracle but in the word of God. The basic premise is that “we go to faith, not by sight ”(2 Corinthians 5: 7).


How will you know if your prayers are strong or not? The power of prayer it is not measured in the amount of time you spend praying but in the fruit you get when you pray. Scriptures it says "by their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew 7:16). In other words the power of your prayers it is measured in the increase of your faith. Prayer should increase your faith in Christ and your faith as it grows even your response and standard of living increases.

But remember that "we live by faith" (Romans 1:17) and we "do not live by prayer." How your strength

The more prayers you have, the more answers you will receive and you will be able to pray for longer. But remember the height of prayer is not the power of prayer. The power of prayer in you is not your power but the power of the Spirit

Holy working in you. You can pray long and powerless prayers and you can also pray short prayers became powerful. This is the case


There is a certain level of prayer that you need to fast and apply. There are things other things that God cannot do until you fast and pray. “But this kind does not come except by prayer and fast ”(Matthew 17:21). Fasting applications are applications that are very powerful. When you fast you are required ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in what to do. Many fast by depriving the body of food and water. For example a person situation from morning to evening.

But sometimes you just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. The soul is nourished by feeling, see, hear, taste and smell. For some fasting on the soul is more difficult than fasting on the body.


There are some people who can fast for two days without any problems but can't stop using the phone, check TV, or listening to music. Sometimes you can fast for the soul as well as the main purpose of fasting it deprives itself of the body and soul it needs to feed the soul. Read Isaiah 58 on fasting. There are many reasons man he can fast and a few are:

Fasting to seek God's help and guidance (Ezra 8: 21-23).

Fasting so that God will hear your cries and prayers (Esther 14: 6; Nehemiah 1: 4-11).

Fasting to overcome temptation (Matthew 4).

Fasting for the anointing of the ministry (Acts 13: 3).

IMPORTANT: Prayer is very important in the life of every believer. But do not try to live by prayer alone make sure you live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4: 4). Many people have put faith them in prayer rather than in word. As a result they grow in prayer but do not grow in knowing Him

Christ through his word.

Prayer has its place but most importantly make sure you have a word so you can build your faith. If you read the basics

12 of faith you will find prayer is not a basic one. Have you ever wondered why so many people can apply? every day but can't read the word every day? Have you ever wondered why so many people are sick or they are struggling the first thing they will say is "I need prayer." Few will say “I am sick I need the word. ” Scripture tells us God sends the word of healing (Psalm 107: 20). So the more you add your strength in prayer

Bless you !!

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