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PART 2 I Raising Children On Spiritual Principles

 Children often follow what you do and not just what you say. For example, if a parent he will teach the child all the effects of smoking and at the same time the parent smokes, you expect that child what will he hold? Or if a parent / guardian uses foul language, his or her children will imitate that language. If you want children be God-fearing, God-loving, loving, not gossiping, you start doing that first and they will follow your example.

We must raise our children until they reach the point of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of life them, (Mark 10: 13-14, Matthew 28:19, Psalm 34:11).

In addition to killing Jesus Christ, we must help them to become true disciples of Jesus. (James 1: 21-25, Psalm 1: 1-3; 119: 9, 11, 105). Our goal should be to raise our children until they reach the point of godly devotion in their lives, let them be the light and salt of the world overcoming the lusts and the perverted ways of this world.


It is important for a parent to have a good time with his children. Even though you have a lot of work and responsibilities, time

What you will give to stay with your children is a wonderful treasure that the children will never forget. Have time for play with them and participate in what they do. By doing so, you will build a reputation for yourself and children and they will be free to tell you anything that bothers them. They will not see the parent as a terrible giant which is always ready to punish, but you will be their close friend. (Psalm 128, Proverbs 5: 15-18, (Ecclesiastes 3: 4; Luke 15: 17-24; Proverbs 15:13, 17:22)

Learn to show love to your children and thank them even for the little effort they put into the matter whatever. In this way, children will develop a sense of self-worth in what they do every day (1 Corinthians).13: 1-8, 13: 34-35, 1 Thessalonians 2: 7-8)

Don't think that it is strange for your children to fail or make mistakes. Don't try to show them that when they err then their value or importance to you diminishes, (Colossians 3: 12-14, Ephesians 4: 1-2,1 Peter 4: 8, 2 Timothy 2: 24-25). Do not humiliate the child because of the mistakes he or she made. For example, circling a child all over the street because he has urinated in bed that is to humiliate him excessively.

Before abusing a child because of a mistake, you as a parent need to ask yourself if you have done something wrong like that, and also question yourself about the mistakes you keep making all day. The Bible commands us to treat others as we would like others to treat us.

Create an environment in which children can feel free to ask you any questions and ask for advice from you. Also be honest if he does not have the right answer to the question you were asked. If you do not know the matter if you do not think it is the right time for them to understand what they are asking, understand them wisely and gently.

Make sure your children understand the rules or order of the various things that you depend on to them. Do not punish them for not doing something that you have not fully instructed them to do. When you give instructions above of something, try to make sure they understand you well.

Try to understand the child before you punish him or her. When a child understands why he is being punished, it will help him not repeating the mistake again or if he repeats it he will know the consequences of the mistake.


There is a saying, "baby by mother does not grow." This expression does not necessarily mean that the child does not grow, but rather that the parent always remains to care for his or her child without being restricted by age. Every parent would love to providing good care for her children all the days of their lives. Having said that let's now take a look the changes that take place in the body of the child you thought were not growing! Now he has grown up!

Dr. Josh McDowell has written in his book HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD TO SAY NO TO

SEXUAL PRESSURE That there is technical evidence that the period of children reaching puberty and breaking the sieve it occurs earlier in children of this generation. One hundred years ago, the average age of puberty breaking the sieve grew sixteen (16) years. Only forty years passed during that period of puberty it became years between the ages of fourteen (14). But today the period has moved closer to reaching an average of twelve (12) years. This means that the transition to adulthood they occur earlier in children compared to how they were in the past.

In addition to being an adolescent and breaking a sieve, children in this generation are more mentally mature than children they. Over the past few decades, there has been a major explosion of science and technology which contribute significantly to the development of children's consciousness compared to what it is like for their parents.

However, although today's children are growing up physically and mentally, many are morally stagnant compared to the past.

This period of puberty for boys and breaking the sieve for girls, is a period of frustration, research self-consciousness, fear mixed with the joy of crossing childhood. For boys, they begin to grow hair genitals, armpits, voice changes, etc.

In girls, the breasts grow, the voice becomes smoother, the menstrual cycle begins, the body changes, and so on.

In addition to all these changes, a dramatic change that comes with a high level of motivation very much so that the desire to have sex.

As a result of various advances and technologies, many children have found themselves learning about sex while they are at a young age. Many children are exposed to sexual harassment by watching TV, videos, and social networks social media, journals and books. Similarly in our schools today children are taught different things about sex. Sex education provided to children in school deals more with the changes that are taking place in the child's body, but which decreases ngk in terms of morals, that is how the child of the female or khjume should be able to control and subdue the changes that occur to her. That's where parents, guardians and the church must take our place in educating our children on how to live here pleasing God with these changes in their bodies.


Prayer is more than just giving God a list of the needs we have that we want God to provide for us. Application recognizing and appreciating God's presence in our lives and also giving God a place in everything about your life. It is seeking the presence of God and releasing His divine power that enables us overcoming various temptations.

When we are in prayer, our lives are changed and we are in the right line with the will of

God. In reality, prayer does not change God, but it does change us human beings to stay the same the will and plan of God. So when you are in prayer, the Holy Spirit helps you to live with staying in line with God's plan and the result is the answer to prayer. Similarly, when we are

In prayer, God often touches and transforms the people we pray for.

When we pray for our children, we are asking God to release His presence on the lives of children our and work miracles in their lives. However, prayer does not mean that we will always see it answers to our immediate prayers. Sometimes it can take days, weeks or even years before to see the answers to what we have asked for for the children. However, our prayers are not in vain. God

Ours is the God who answers the prayers of His people, "the prayer of a righteous man is most worthy to pray." (James 5:16). The Bible also says in Matthew 18:18, that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and what we will open on earth will be opened in heaven. These passages of scripture encourage us as parents and guardians that all we want to happen in our lives and that of our children is under the power of our God and through prayer, our God will act no matter how long it will pass before we have not seen the results of our prayers.

God bless you as you work for your children and others.

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