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Dangerous Sin With Jesus ​​As Savior:

Sin is a rebellion against God, and this rebellion begins today.

And with each passing generation, man struggled to break free from it, a8nd he was given various laws to make him afraid or to stop sinning but to no avail. Sacrifices of animals and birds as a atonement for human sin were made as part of the salvation of man from sin but they did not help. 

Thus God's plan to save mankind from rebellion begins by bringing His only begotten Son JESUS ​​CHRIST to earth to save, deliver and deliver him from the eternal DANGER that there was no way for man to escape the ETERNAL Hell.

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21"

The birth of Jesus is to be the SAVIOR of man's sin, a sin that is powerful and no one can save his fellow man from that sin without Jesus Christ.

No matter how hard man tries, without Jesus, sin has no cure, that is why Jesus' coming to earth is so important, so precious.

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:20"

Beloved ones, you may wonder why it is such a great joy, but before you do so you must also remember the basic fact, "Sin overcame man and without Jesus could not sin" he would continue to be a slave, would continue to torture him, would continue to serve him .

That is why this account of the birth of Jesus, which was also foretold by the Prophet Isaiah several years before it turned out to be JOY, was saved from Sin which was a threat.

Today the Savior has been found so why not rejoice?


Why not accept him?

Join thousands upon thousands to celebrate the birth of Jesus whom we no longer celebrate historically, that he was born in a manger, in the city of Bethlehem, and ended up there.

No I'm talking about Jesus who is still alive, who is where you are.

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