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PART 3 I Concepts and meaning of Christian Marriage


"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh one body. "(Gen. 2:24)

God has a perfect plan for marriage. When he established this institution, he did not allow Adam to formulate the principles of to run a marriage. Once the woman Eve was handed over to Adam, God gave Adam a code of conduct which he had to use in order for his marriage to last. This principle is to separate from the parents, to adhere to the other and become one flesh.

This principle of marriage is so basic that the Holy Spirit does not emphasize it four times in Scripture

Sacred as we see before.

In these books; Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19: 5, Mark 10: 7-8 and Ephesians 5:31 The Bible says, "Man he will leave his father and mother and he will stick to his wife and they will become one flesh. "

Another basic and important point to note here is that God gave this principle regarding marriage before sin entered the world (Genesis 2:24), and even after the fall this principle did not change.

So even if Adam did not fall into sin, this principle would still apply. In words otherwise, this principle applies even in our generation today and for that reason it is well understood more detail.

In the above-mentioned principle there are three important steps to consider and which are UTI WA

BACK OF MARRIAGE. These key steps are as follows

(i) Leaving parents

(ii) Adherence

(iii) Being one body.


Leaving parents or guardians does not mean rejecting or abandoning parents. God's Word in the book of

Exodus 20:12; Mark 7: 9-13 tells us that we should honor our parents. It does not end there, but we are told that this is the command that accompanies the promise of a long life.

It also does not mean that leaving the parents is moving from where the parents or guardians are and living a mile many away from them. The fact is that there is a possibility of living away from home and at the same time becoming very close to parents or guardians.

Leaving a parent means changing your relationship with your ex-spouse to get married. Before getting married, parents often view their child as their dependent in making various decisions about life.

Leaving parents is:

(1). Have healthy human relationships.

This means that the person entering into marriage is an adult who has the ability to make decisions various aspects of his life wisely.

(2). Listen to or pay close attention to your partner's thoughts, suggestions. When it comes to making decisions which deals with marriage planning, it is best for a husband and wife to make their own decisions and not relying on their parents again.

(3). No longer depend on your parents for your needs.

This means that the person entering into the marriage is the one who is sure to take care of himself or herself and the partner wake. It is true that couples will continue to listen to advice or get other types of help from for some people, including their parents, but couples still have a responsibility to take care of themselves.

(4). Not trying to make your spouse the way your parents want you to.

You have to accept your spouse as he or she is and if it is a change it should be the one that matches the word

God. Parents or guardians should not force children to live as they please. Couples should be given freedom to run their lives as they please.

Therefore, when a person enters into a marriage, it does not mean that he or she will reject the advice of his or her parents or guardians, but what is needed is to look at the boundaries of those who are trying to interfere with marriage.

If you are a parent, you should know that you have one basic responsibility for your children. Your responsibility is preparing your children to leave home and also letting your children know that you will not be living with them forever.

One of the best ways to prepare your children for leaving home is to give them an education

It will help them in life and enable them to take care of themselves. No matter how much you love your children, you must understanding that they must leave, so start now to prepare them.

When your teen is getting married, please do not interrupt and make decisions for your marriage.

If you see a problem, you should pray for them or counsel them gently and not force them to do so.

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