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PART 1 I What Is Inner Healing Health / Heart

What is meant by the wounds of the soul?

They are things that happen to a person and cause him pain, depression, loneliness, insecurity, etc.

An injured person does not have to sin. But when he does not get along well with God the consequences of wounds can cause him to sin. 

Thus Christians / survivors are also injured and need to be released or healed for their wounds do not cause them to sin.

As we learned in the previous lesson on the relationship between SPIRIT, BODY and SOUL we saw how


The soul is a very sensitive area because it is the center of thoughts, understanding, will, feelings, etc. injuring one's salvation. it becomes endangered.


(1) That we may save ourselves and be able to serve God and fulfill our duty.

(2) To avoid the influence of evil spirits. Evil spirits love to enter the soul


Wounded. Wounds are a large doorway for demons to enter.1 Thessalonians 5:23.

(3) So that we can help others who have been wounded to be set free by God.

(4) So that we can recover from our physical ailments. There are so many diseases caused by the wounds of soul example: stomach ulcers, heart disease 



There are many sources of injuries to the soul some of which are as follows:

(1) Pregnancy or Pregnancy Environment - Self-injury can begin on a human day when she is created (when the mother becomes pregnant) there are so many things the baby depends on from the mother, so

The things that the mother goes through, the baby also goes through 1: 39-45- Notice how Elizabeth heard her cry Marium the baby jumped into her womb

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. he should be shown genuine love for there are children who marry when they are young but have strange strange behavior. For example, a father forces him a mother having sex without her will what do you expect? the spirit of cruelty can be worn by a child younger.

(2) Missing what you intended / expected

Proverbs 13:12 "Expectation postponed is coming, the heart is sick. But if a man finds it, he is a tree of life." Example failing exams, failing elections, late getting a job, late getting married, missing out child, rejection, bereavement.

(3) What you did not expect to be done: Rape 2 Samuel 13- Tamar was raped by her brother near Amnon.Discussed, school n.k.

(4) Sin:

Sin is one of the sources of the wounds of the soul, there are sins that even after repentance of the devil they like to bring judgment on a person. And this judgment leads a person to disbelieve if he is really forgiven by thus leading to injury. For example Matthew 27: 3-10 is about Judas Iscariot hanging himself.


Another example is the sin of abortion the devil often uses to injure people even if

Repent, imagine that before the trip someone is there because the couple is missing a child and in the past he dropped enough what do you expect

(5) Demons:

Demons are a major source of people injuring themselves. They cause people to become slaves to something and failure to control oneself and thus lead to doing things you do not want for example: looking at belts sex, masturbation, homosexuality, rape, drunkenness, etc.

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