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PART 2 I What Is Inner Healing Health / Heart

 (6) Parental Behavior:

Behavior with parents sometimes leads to pain for children- Ephesians 6: 4, Matthew 18: 6-7. parents and indifference cause children to stay with injuries and sometimes children even decide suicide escaping home an example of parental misbehavior is rape of children, fighting insulting alcoholism adultery.

(7) Girls' clothing:

We are in a period of globalization, science and technology so girls like to wear half-naked for example clothes short, bizarre slits, tight-fitting clothes, thighs, navel, outer nipples. These styles we see even in church and none he rebukes them so they feel they are right. The clothing injures men and exposes them to the sin of coveting and even committing fornication and adultery 1 Timothy 2: 9-10. the stumbling blocks and the wounds he commits must be held accountable to God.

(8) Rejection:

Rejection is not a good thing that causes a person to injure himself, and if he does not stand up well with God he can act

For example, parents reject children, children reject parents, wives reject husbands and husbands reject children wife, fiancé divorced, young man has approach living with daughter

(9) Adultery and fornication:

Proverbs 6: 32-33 "He that committeth adultery with a woman is void of understanding: he doeth it who would destroy his own soul

He will be wounded and dishonored, and his disgrace will not be wiped away. "Adultery is a great door to door.

There are many effects of self-inflicted wounds on the soul adultery and fornication are also as follows:

(a) Obtaining the bonds of lust, adultery and fornication. It is not just a physical act but allows demons to enter a person.

(b) Willingness and willingness

(c) Brings sexual soul ties

(d) Pregnancy and illness

(e) Making a marriage contract prematurely

(f) Loss of the market for women's marriage

(g)Injuries to girls due to abandonment

(h) Delay in marriage for daughters


There are so many symptoms of an injured comrade; Some of the symptoms are as follows:

(1) Fear, pain, sadness, fear, etc.

(2) Desire for the past, especially repeating the sins you once committed

(3) Overconfidence

(4) Influence of masturbation, masturbation, pornography, smoking marijuana smoking, alcohol, rape, homosexuality, homosexuality, homosexuality, etc.

(5) Failure to believe that you are loved by people and you too failure to love

(6) Lack of peace

(7) A person weeps profusely during intercession

(8) Excessive complaining; failure to understand the difference between being blamed and being advised

(9) Uncontrolled anger

(10) A recurrent and sometimes chronic disease

(11) Demon possession or symptoms of demon possession eg Sin habits, strange dreams, chest gas flows, things moving in the body, having secret things eg having sex with brother, sister, mother, father, lust, oppression and disease, being forced to do something you do not want, failure to control, failure rest during worship.


(1) It is best to start a conversation with the goal of providing counseling

(2) It is better to know the source of the injuries so that you can pray and serve the target rather than by chance

(3) Only the blood of Jesus can free a person from internal wounds. No man or servant who can open the wounds of the soul. Isaiah 61: 1 "THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD GOD IS ON ME; BECAUSE

THE LORD hath anointed me with the oil of gladness above my fellows: he hath sent me to heal thee.


THEIR OPENING ", Luke 4:18, Isaiah 53: 4-5, Psalm 34: 18,147: 3

(4) In order for the injured person to be released, before the application he must forgive and release if he has a word and unforgiveness and unforgiveness is the greatest obstacle to a person not being released. Worse even as a person opened as soon as he begins to remember the old things the wounds are already coming back. So it is good to forgive and forgetting as the West is far from the East (Psalm 103: 12)

Thank you Jesus for this sensitive subject and I ask that help be made in the life of every reader, in the name of


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