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PART 2 I Concepts and meaning of Christian Marriage


Welcome dear Lord Jesus Christ let us continue to study this subject of marriage, in the second part we looked at one of the three most important steps in marriage, let's look at the next steps.


The second thing we see in the foundation of a Christian marriage is adherence. Word

ADHERENCE here means living together and living a married life all the time without having to plan divorce.

God's plan in marriage is that marriage is a permanent arrangement and not a temporary agreement. This issue adherence, for this generation of today, seems like a joke. In the West when a person is he preaches on marriage in those countries, he must be careful because you may find yourself offending people, because in some churches there is a high percentage of people who have divorced or remarried or remarry. Some people have reached the point of having contractual marriages and others decide to have a marriage experimental.

When a marriage is terminated, the couple make a vow to adhere to their mate in all circumstances and always. That is certainly God's purpose for marriage. A real marriage is not one that is built on a foundation emotional but in full surrender. Couples should not accompany each other only when things are going well but it is in all cases.

The Bible warns against separating and abandoning each other as husband and wife. Malachi 2: 14-16, Proverbs 2:17

The Lord God says, "For I hate divorce." The wife should know that she has to to accompany her husband even when he is unemployed, or sick, or even when someone else appears who is better off than her husband.

Also the husband must accompany his wife even if the original beauty is lost, or when he is sick or even if it turns out another woman looks more attractive.

Adherence is the second principle that governs the backbone of any marriage.


A third factor in the foundation of marriage is the issue of being one flesh. Let's look at its breadth. Hello the fact that the body is one and the same is very important if we want the marriage to last.

1 + 1 = 1 This is not correct in accounting rules but is correct in marriage. God says that's the answer correct. The first meaning of the one body is what most of us understand. When people have sex they become one flesh. 1 Corinthians 6:16 The apostle Paul says "Or do you not know that he who is who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For he says, "The two will become one flesh."

However, being one flesh in marriage, it does not end with the act of marriage which we will discuss in detail in future chapters but it also means the wonderful unity that occurs when two people marry. It happens a combination of emotions, ideas and a sense of commitment to one another that is hard to even describe text. I am convinced that those who are already married understand me better as I speak this union occurs in a married couple.

God's plan is that when two people get married they should share in everything they have, that is their bodies, their emotions, their attitudes, their abilities or talents, the problem and various challenges in life.

The Bible says, "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed." #Genesis 2:25.

In this passage of scripture, we learn a wonderful lesson about being one flesh. Adam and his wife they stripped naked and were not ashamed.

There was nothing that Adam wanted to hide from Eve, nor did Eve have a secret to hide her husband. This is the true meaning of being one flesh. For those who are married, let's ask yourself this question.

"Can I reveal all my concerns to my spouse without feeling embarrassed?"

However, there are some couples who still have areas where they do not want their spouse to know.

Perhaps you are a married woman who had a child out of wedlock and you have kept it a secret yours! Or maybe a man has another wife in your village and the wife you have there doesn't know the truth. For to do so would be to violate this basic principle of marriage.

God's Word shows us that Adam and his wife were open in every way until they fell into sin they began to despise one another (Genesis 3: 7-11). What causes people not to be open to their partner is the SIN they are trying to cover.

However, for those who are born again Christians, they should not live in that condition anymore because they are new creatures and are no longer under sin (2 Cor item 5:17)

Having said all that, it is important for you to understand that there is hope in God. To couple that they may be one body and that they are open, they must receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. When you receive Jesus, He reconciles you first to God, and when you have a good relationship with God it becomes easier to have a good relationship with your spouse, (Colossians 1: 21-23, Ephesians 1: 7, 2: 13-21,1 Peter 3:18).

The Word of God also tells us that unless the Lord builds the house, that is, the marriage, the builders work free (Psalm 127: 1). In your own strength, you will not be able to build a happy marriage with true love. You need him

May God help you to build your marriage.

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