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PART 4 I Concepts and meaning of Christian Marriage



The second duty of every man in a marriage is to love his wife. This is something that should be given very high priority and importance so that she can have a successful marriage.

The Bible says, "In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. his wife loves herself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as Christ also doth the church ”(Ephesians 5: 28-29)

Husbands here are commanded to love their wives as Christ loves the church. In the language of

The Greek word for love can be defined in four different senses:

AGAPE This is a divine love, it is a Godly love or sacrificial love. The word AGAPE is used in John 3:16, it describes God's love for mankind.

This PHILEO is friendly love. You may love someone because you pray with the same church, or you study with him or you are working with him.

This EROS is a romantic love between husband and wife. This love is the attraction that a husband has for his wife or wife to her husband. This influence is not bad because it was instituted by God himself. However the devil has tried to change this love and make it a bad desire that makes people do it fornication and adultery.

This STORGE is family love. That is, this is the love that exists between parents and their children and the kath of children and their parents or close relatives.

The apostle Paul exhorts husbands to love their wives in the passage we read above, he used the word

Agape to emphasize the kind of love in marriage.

Agape, that is, divine love, self-sacrificing love. To understand what God's love is, let us read

These words, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." while we were yet sinners. ”(Romans 5: 8).

This is the love that God has shown us, that he loved us even though we were sinners and unclean in front of him. Ironically, the Bible commands husbands to love their wives as their own children weakness or have some problems! "Love your wives as Christ loved the church".

Infinite love is what Christ gave to His church. Similarly, men are required love their wives without end. The love of Christ is not selfish love and is not self-seeking it is love that seeks to benefit the one who is shown love, that is, the wife (Philippians 2: 6-7).

The apostle Paul tells husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. How much do you love the body your? How much time do you spend keeping your body in good shape? Do you always take it

What action is there when someone else wants to attack your body? I do not know what your answers to the questions are are you But the Bible reminds husbands to treat their wives with dignity and respect.

You have to protect your wife in terms of status and property.

MAN'S ROLE in marriage in the LOVE section

Welcome ...


There are many ways for a man to show love to his wife, some of which are like as follows:


One of the easiest ways to show love for your spouse is to use words. Research shows that women they like to be told words of love, for example I LOVE MY WIFE, on the other hand research shows that most men do not tell their wives that they love them. The husband comforts himself with to say that, "because I give her all her needs and also pay her dowry to her parents, again every

I buy her new clothes, so she'll know I just love her. "

That alone is not enough, the wife loves to hear again and again that she is loved. Let's remember that you have to love your wife as Christ loves the church. Christ himself tells us he loves us every day no matter what in what situation we go through or where we have gone wrong, he still loves us.

How do you feel when someone comes and tells you that I love you? There is a certain state of happiness what happens in your heart when you know that you are loved. Our words have a profound effect on creation.

It is therefore important for the husband to assure his wife of the certainty of sincere love through words. Kama you have not started working this way, we advise you to start today and you will see a dramatic change in life your marriage.


In showing love, a husband has a responsibility to correct his wife when she makes a mistake. However, the husband when he wants to correct his wife he must do so with love and kindness. (Colossians 3:19, Ephesians 5: 28-29, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-5). Do not criticize your wife in public, always try to call her privately unless the mistake he made must be corrected in public.

Also, do not use harsh or humorous words that could hurt his feelings or diminish his self-confidence.

The man is the pillar of his wife. He needs you so that He can stand even in stormy times or in times of need which every member is against him. In many families the in-laws (parents and husband's relatives) are they become the opposite of a married woman to them. They often try to bring conflict between the required husband standing with his wife because she is a part of his own body.


The word THANK YOU is very short and sometimes you can see it as small; but it is an incredibly powerful word.

When you show a thankful heart even for the little things that your wife does for you, you will make her happy heart to keep doing things bigger and better.

You can thank him even for the delicious food he cooked for you. . As you continue to thank him for even things small, that builds a woman's confidence in everything she does and she becomes an architect more (Proverbs 31:28; 1 ​​Peter 3: 7). Show her that you respect her thoughts, advice and contribution in the family.


Love is something invisible to human eyes, but it is something we can see and experience in a way many different variations. In addition I have to discuss with you another way to show love called action.

There are many actions we can take to show love. For example hugging, kissing, holding her hand, helping her with work, giving her gifts and even introducing her in front of your friends or people they are near. (1 Corinthians 13)

This is the love that God wants every man to show to his wife

God bless you

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