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PART 5 I Concepts and meaning of Christian Marriage



"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" (Ephesians 5:25)

"Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; and as joint heirs with the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered "(1 Peter 3: 7).


Just as God the Father, God the Son, and God St. John are equal in the Godhead and eternity, except in practice, so is man and woman. When God created man,

He created man and woman in His image (Genesis 1:27; 5: 1-2)

Man and woman are all created equal in the image of God and both represent the nature of

God in life. Thus, both men and women are important people and have equal value before God.

Although both man and woman are equal before God, at the same time there are differences between male and female, different roles and even genetics as well.

In this world today there are many ongoing campaigns on women's rights, women's equality and men. Unfortunately many of these activists insist on only equality between man and woman without talking about the differences that exist.

Many marriages have been disrupted by these campaigns and even families have been torn apart by these campaigns inconsistent with the Word of God.

It is true that women must be respected, and given their rights. But it is also true that, they must be activists

Let them remember that the Bible says that the HUSBAND IS THE HEAD. And this does not mean that the husband should rule over her his wife as a slave.

Its true unity and openness can be achieved only if the husband and wife are conscious and fulfill their responsibilities in marriage and if each one accepts his or her role without resentment.

The Bible teaches us about the role of the husband in marriage. When we look at a man's role carefully in the Bible we find that this responsibility is divided into two main parts:

1. Lead

2. Love.


The Bible commands the husband to be the head of his wife (Ephesians 5:23, 1 Timothy 3: 4-5, 1 Corinthians 11: 3).

The key to looking at this man's role in marriage is that we must differentiate

Biblical view of leadership and worldly attitude. Nowadays when one utters the word LEADER, the image he gets is of a man giving orders, and many instructions to those he leads.

The leader is also seen as a person whom his colleagues should serve and tremble at. In the office, the leader is the one who cuts the wheelchair, rotates it and his job is to command others doing things that he does not want to do.

The Bible gives a very different view of leadership (Matthew 20: 20-28) in that passage, we see that even Jesus' disciples had the same attitude toward leadership. Mother of sons

Zebedee went to pray for his sons for leadership positions in the reign of Jesus Christ. But Jesus he responded and explained the meaning of the leader from his point of view. Jesus said, "And whosoever will be great to you, and be your servant, and whoever desires to be first among you, let him be a slave to you ... "

Similarly in John 13: 1-15, Jesus Christ continues to teach his disciples how to be a leader how he is supposed to live. One day while they were eating, Jesus took a towel and a vessel and started over washing their feet. When Peter tried to deny it, Jesus told him that if he did not want to be washed, then he had no part in it kingdom.

This is why a leader is a servant of others. When a Christian man fulfills his duty to leadership for his wife, he should follow this example from the Great Leader, Jesus Christ.

How was Jesus Christ leading? Let's look at three things that the Lord Jesus Christ did he focused on his leadership.

(a) Jesus was close to the people he was leading. He was not far from them but spent most of his time on be with them and guide them (John 1:39, Mark 1:17; 4:10; 9: 2; 11: 1). The apostle Peter instructs men to stay close to their wives (1 Peter 3: 7).

No husband can fulfill his God-given responsibility if he is not happy to be close to his wife.

Just as Christ Jesus stays close to his church every day, so should a husband and his wife.

(b) Jesus led by example. He, as the leader, did not simply instruct his disciples to do things which he was not doing. He did not tell his disciples to be only beggars, but himself he was a beggar. The husband, as head of the household, should lead by example.

(C) Jesus led by making decisions and delegating responsibilities to the disciples (John 4: 1-2, Mark 1: 35-39; 6:35, Matthew 10: 1-14; 28: 18-20) When assigning a task to his disciples, Jesus made it clear that he was he gives them the right instructions and makes sure that the students understand what he wanted he made sure of that the students understood what he wanted them to do.

He also allowed them to use their creative ability and creativity in doing things. So Christian men they need to know how to make decisions to divide power and responsibilities to their wives. Be a leader does not mean that one must do all things alone.

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