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What is site supervision and how it is applied in construction industry

1. Introduction

Construction site supervision is primarily concerned with getting things done to specifications on site, and it has to consider real life situations, which can hamper work progress, such as inclement weather, and unpredicatable work practices on site.

The construction stage is the last in a series of interrelated design and construction development activities, which starts with site investigation followed by detailed engineering design and contract preparation. The best design will loose its values if it is poorly constructed, i.e. if the quality of inspection during the construction stage has failed to assure full adherence to the intent of the design drawings and specifications. The construction stage supervising staff must ensure that the results of the planned design and development processes fit neatly into the actual on-site work realities, and this is by no means an easy task.

Site supervision is different from design office supervision in the sense that it is always regarded as arduous and dirty. However, it requires special skills and attention from dedicated individuals working in groups. It is more of an art form due to its complex and unpredictable nature, as well as a need for effective interactions.

Hence, site supervision must be carried out to ensure that the contractor’s performance complies fully with the specifications and design requirements in order to avoid committing construction errors. The construction errors will usually lead to structure’s defects or failures, resulting in accusations of negligence, and may even end up in contract disputes and litigation.

2. Site Administration and Engineering Supervision

Construction projects are implemented in an environment characterized by a high degree of fragmentation of the industry. Different organizations come together to execute a construction project, and bring with them various different engineering and technical expertise, as well as the culture of working in organizations.

It is thus, the duty of the Project Management Team to integrate and coordinate the various inputs in order to achieve the intended goal or objective. Project engineering and supervision services, which include, among other things, preliminary engineering-project conceptualization, i.e. scope development Project Initial Design (PID) development and project estimate; project benefits-project justification and hazard review; construction drawings-project management, instrumentation of construction drawings and construction bid evaluation.

The purpose of construction supervision is to ensure, in the interest of public safety and proper construction, that:

a) Those with responsibilities relating to project construction appreciate the nature of the engineering role in construction supervision;

b) Construction proceeds in accordance with the engineering design and engineering judgments required to be made during the course of construction are made by qualified professional engineers.

In the construction projects, systems and works, the application of engineering does not end with the delivery of project design drawings to the owner or developer. The production of a competent engineering design does not ensure the owner or the public that the project will be safely constructed in accordance with sound engineering principles and practice. The design of projects, systems and works, is an initial phase of engineering, supervision of construction is another equally important phase.

Engineering supervision of construction is required to ensure, among other things, correct interpretation and application of the design, and of engineering principles which are expressed in it. In addition, all engineering details cannot be totally addressed in the design phase, even in the most comprehensive drawings and specifications. Accordingly, it is necessary for the engineering judgments to be made during the course of construction.

Professional engineering work includes professional services, consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, designing or responsible supervision of construction or operation in connection with any public or privately owned public utilities, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works or projects where public health or property is connected or involved, and that requires the application of engineering principles and data”.

Whereas professional engineering services means consultancy or advisory services relating to any professional engineering work and includes selling or supplying for gain or reward and plan, sketch, drawing, design, specification or other document relating to any professional engineering work.

It is clear from the above definition that supervision of construction shall be performed only by professional engineers appropriately registered or licensed by the Engineers Registration Board Tanzania in accordance with the Engineers Registration Act No. 15 of 1997.

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