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How is management important in construction

Need of Management

a) Direction, coordination and control of group efforts: In business, many persons work together. They need proper direction and guidance for raising their efficiency. In the absence of guidance, people will work as per their desire and the, orderly working of enterprise will not be possible. Management is needed for planning business activities, for guiding employees in the right direction and finally for coordinating their efforts for achieving best/most favourable results.

b) Orderly achievement of business objectives: Efficient management is needed in order to achieve the objectives of business activity in an orderly and quick manner.

c) Performance of basic managerial functions: Planning, Organising, Co-ordinating and Controlling are the basic functions of management. Management is needed as these functions are performed through the management process.

d) Effective communication at all levels: Management is needed for effective communication within and outside the Organisation.

e) Motivation of employees: Management is needed for motivating employees and also for coordinating their efforts so as to achieve business objectives quickly.

f) Success and stability of business enterprise: Efficient management is needed for success, stability and prosperity of a business enterprise.

 The Construction Industry

The construction industry is one of the oldest and largest industries. Construction activity provides employment on a large scale. The use of machines and equipment, which have become part and parcel of construction in modern times, has not only reduced the time of construction and number of people engaged in construction but also improved the quality of construction and materials. The construction of high rise buildings, dams and bridges, railway etc. are now undertaken easily because of the availability of equipment and machines.

The three basic segments of the construction industry are building contractors, also known as general contractors, who construct residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings and civil-engineering contractors, who build roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, and other similar projects; and specialty contractors, more familiarly known as subcontractors, who perform specific trade work such as carpentry, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating-ventilating-air-conditioning (HVAC) work, and a host of other tasks

The three basic segments of the construction industry are building contractors, also known as general contractors, who construct residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings and civil-engineering contractors, who build roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, and other similar projects; and specialty contractors,  more familiarly known as subcontractors, who perform specific trade work such as carpentry, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating-ventilating-air-conditioning (HVAC) work, and a host of other tasks 

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