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12 Things That Can Help You Increase Your Power To Pray (PART ONE)

There are many things that can help you to increase your prayer power and answers. Take a look these 12 things:


Before you start praying, ask for repentance for yourself and the one you are praying for, cleanse yourself with The blood of Jesus Christ, and also sanctify the area you are praying for and redeeming in the spirit world. Power Your application may depend on your location. You have never seen there are places you can apply well but there are other places when you go the power to pray does not exist. Others being in a prayer group in church he has a lot of power to pray but when he gets home, all the power is gone. You think the problem exists where? Location is very important in the spirit world.


Praying is one way to communicate with our God. When you call on God by prayer he hears you (Jeremiah 29:12). “The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him faithfulness” (Psalm 145: 18). And one way to call on God is through prayer. “Call to me, and I will answer you, and I will shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not ” (Jeremiah 33: 3). The word "things you do not know" if we look closely we see it is "the revelation of God." So prayer makes God give it to you revelation. So persevere in prayer (Colossians 4: 2) because the prayers of the righteous are powerful (James 5:16).


3. TIME:

Time / time is very important in the spirit world especially in prayer. Ephesians 5:16 says "Let's save time." It means time is captured by the devil. One of the weapons that the devil uses to kill The application is time consuming. If he can capture your time he has killed your application. Satan used the law to try closing the prayer period in detail Daniel 30 days (Daniel 4). Since the law is now written in hearts (Hebrews 10:16), time is bound in the spirit world and results occur in the body. There are people who in the spirit world, the devil has limited their time to maybe 23 hours a day. Meaning its in a day you can not make more than one prayer. Also some have a limited time of 23 hours and 45 minutes. This means you cannot pray effectively for more than 15 minutes. The first 15 minutes you will pray well except as they begin to increase, you will begin to gain incredible weight. And there are people whose prayer time is limited to 24 hours day. For this person even praying for 5 minutes is a task and if you just start praying, you immediately start to feel heavy.

Remember time is bound in the spirit world, so if you want to redeem it, you must redeem it in the spirit world. And if you start praying for redemption at the same time as Ephesians 5:16, the devil will fight you. But you can begin to redeem a little bit. An amazing example was you could not apply for half an hour now you can. Later you go you can pray for an hour and so on. If you could not apply for even 5 minutes it is difficult start suddenly only you can apply for 3 hours in a row. Prayer to redeem time is a prayer to do from time to time.


One of the most powerful prayers is prayer using the word of God for faith. When you pray to use the word of God you are reminding God who He is to you. Word of God is a covenant made with you so by using the word you are reminding God of the covenant He has made with you you. For example, if you need healing, you can use verses like "by his stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53: 5) by faith. The verses of the Bible will remain as verses unless you receive revelation from the Holy Spirit. When you utter such a word in faith you are giving God the release and the answer. “He sends forth his word, he rescues them and delivers them from their destruction ”(Psalm 107: 20). So when you ask God for something he does not give you that thing but he gives you the word that carried the thing. For example if you ask for healing he gives you a word that carried healing and your faith gives you acceptance. If you ask him for money he will not give you money but a word that carries the knowledge to get money.

That is why it is so important to have the word of God as He answers eloquently


This feature can be linked to 4. To prayer

For your growth, you need to have the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 states, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God hearing comes through the word of Christ. ” So ask God to give you hearing ears so that you can hear the voice of his word. I'm not talking about the outer ears but the inner ears that hear what you heard. Matthew 13:13 it says "when they hear they do not hear or understand." So you can hear and not hear what you heard. But asking God to give you hearing ears will increase the word of God in you and make your prayers be strong.



Praying is a spiritual thing and our God wants us to be praying.

Because body and spirit are always in conflict (Galatians 5:17), the body does not want prayer at all. Kama knock one day try this: Prepare an hour prayer and then call your dear friend and tell him all the things you want to tell God. You will find you can tell your friend for a while an hour tirelessly. Now take that prayer and then go before God for the purpose of praying, you'll see the body resists you. So in order to have effective applications, you must first conquer the body.

Scripture says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. living, holy, pleasing to God, is your true worship ”(Romans 12: 1). Remember the world, the body, and the devils work together in the trinity of evil for opposing anything of God like praying.

So make it a habit to pray for your body every day. If you want to pray for an hour, pray first and surrender your body to God so that you can accept one-hour prayers. When you start praying you will see the body you refuse but as you continue to pray, eventually you win and you will be surprised you pray so easily.

Pray for your body every day.



Scripture says the Holy Spirit helps us to pray (Romans 8:26). So every day ask the Holy Spirit to give you an anointing to help you pray when you begin to pray. This is a prayer which you should do daily because you need the Spirit of God to help you in all your prayers. But

When you pray for the anointing of prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in prayer in everything so that you do not pray for your desires, something that can keep God from answering your prayers (James 4: 3). Also pray for the Spirit

May the Holy One remind you of the word (John 14:26) to help you pray. Remember everything you want to do

God, it requires the anointing of God. Some loved ones fail to pray because of that they try to use their power to pray.

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