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PART 1 I Concepts and meaning of Christian Marriage



Praise the Lord Jesus!

Welcome to this series of lessons to learn in Part about marriage, in order to strengthen our marriage.

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SOME people, cultures, and cultures today view marriage as a universal union. time, and therefore not important to them. That view of marriage stems from a number of factors such as fear of the responsibilities associated with marriage, marital costs, legal rights in the event of a marriage breakdown etc.

On the other hand, many people are afraid to enter marriage out of fear of losing their independence self-determination without anyone to question them. So marriage seems to be a kind of prison.

Despite the fears expressed about marriage, marriage is still a matter of respect and esteem in the world. Marriage is viewed as an important step in transitioning from one degree to another in society. In many societies a person who is not married or unmarried officially lacks the dignity to do some roles in society.

Leaving aside people's perceptions of marriage, God's Word teaches us that marriage was instituted and God Himself, immediately after His creation. Thus, the first institution was established by God it was a marriage.

And God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.… LORD and he caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man a woman, because she was taken from a man "(Genesis 2: 18,21-23)

Each day when God finished His work of the day, He sat down and evaluated what He had done. Since the day of

At the beginning of creation, when God looked at the things He had made, He said, "LOOK at the work I have done.

VERY ". But the day He created Adam we see God uttered a different word, saying" IT IS NOT OK! "

Let us remember that when Adam was created, he was perfect, without sin; but with those attributes, God he saw that Adam had a defect that needed to be addressed urgently.

God gave Adam all kinds of animals to give him names. The Bible shows us that in animals all who passed before Adam, there was not a single animal that he could solve the problem of the loneliness he had. It is sad to hear today that there are people who live with animals as their mates in life.

Another basic thing we see in the Bible is that God created the woman for man. This means that the marriage that is recognized before God is between a Man and

Woman. It is an abomination before God for what is going on in the days of len where the acts of

Homosexuality and homosexuality are defended as HUMAN RIGHTS.

In this lesson we will look at a number of important things that people need to consider in order to enjoy a happy marriage.

Please share it with other people so that they too can read this message of hope about marriage and thus reach people many more.

Remember marriage is the foundation of the family, the church, and the Nation. So it is important to build our marriages on the basis of

Word of God.

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